Happy new year to all our family, friends and clients. We hope you had a safe Christmas and that 2014 is a good year for you all.
As a new year begins, many of you may be considering moving home. It’s very exciting looking for that perfect property to suit yours or your family’s needs. As you undertake the hunt for that lovely safe haven you will call home, there will be challenges and inevitable expenses that must be incurred. After the solicitor bills and removal costs, many people just feel they cannot commit to any further expense.
One of the things people often wait to sort out when they move home is the security of their new place. If nothing else, you should definitely consider changing the main front and back door locks. Why, you might ask? They may be fantastic quality and one of the best makes on the market, but can you be sure that you have the only keys? With the best will in the world, we don’t always remember who we gave spare keys to. We often give our family, friends, neighbours, cleaners and builders keys to our homes. Sometimes they lose them as do we. Can we be sure there isn’t a spare key floating around somewhere when we move into a new home? Don’t leave yourself vulnerable or open to embarrassment if someone was to even innocently enter your new home with a spare key, not knowing that the previous owner had moved.
While we are on the subject of new homes, if you are renting property, it’s not unreasonable to request that your landlord changes the locks for you when you move in. In rented property there is an even higher possibility that previous tenants or their friends and family may have keys.
We are always here for advice and will only make changes to your home security that are absolutely necessary. We understand how expensive it is to move home and if you are located in a South East London, BR or DA postcode, we will carry out a home security survey free of charge. If you’d like to know what to expect from a security check, have a look at our blog post Property Security Survey – What Can You Expect?
As we have said before, home security doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Simple changes like better door locks and reinforced doors can make the world of difference. After all, a new home should be your safe haven and adequate security has to be paramount. Please don’t leave yourself vulnerable to being a victim of burglary, when a conversation with Security Masters Ltd might make all the difference. Don’t delay, contact us today to make your appointment for us to check the security at your new home.