

How to Stop Burglars This Summer

How to Stop Burglars This Summer, eltham locksmith

How to Stop Burglars This Summer, eltham locksmith

The promising prospect of summer time is on the horizon…. which means t-shirt tans, all day barbecues and daytime beers.

Summer is also, unfortunately, the time when burglaries rise and more people fall victim to the perils and pitfalls of home security.

The summer heat can make people complacent and many leave their doors and windows open or unlocked, leading me to write this post on how to stop burglars.

In this article, we look at some top tips for home security in the summer… here are some handy hints on how to stop burglars when the heat’s up and the sun’s out:

  1. Shut your windows and doors

This one’s an obvious one, but so many people in the summer leave their doors or windows open or unlocked when they’re popping down the street or along to the shop, so be vigilant… even if you’re only out of the house for five minutes or if you’re just sitting in the garden.

  1. Lock up your shed

Shed thefts account for a huge amount of burglaries, and they always rise in the summer. Burglars see an unlocked shed as an invitation to a gadget buffet, with often-expensive lawnmowers, ladders, tools and barbecues all stowed away in there.

Some of these things – like tools and ladders – can even be used to gain access your home, so it’s doubly important that you keep your shed locked. Use a top-notch high-quality padlock or hasp.

  1. Keep your shed secure

Locking it up is a good start, but it’s not necessarily enough… cover your shed windows to stop prying eyes from looking inside and repair loose boards and fixtures to prevent easy access.

  1. Don’t leave your valuables outside

If you spend lots of time in your garden, take care not to accidentally leave your wallet, phone, laptop or tablet lying around in your garden for any length of time. If a potential burglar sees your belongings lying around outside, they’re going to consider it an invitation to grab a free gizmo.

The above tips should be enough to keep you safe and to give you a good head start when you’re trying to stop burglars.

We’re keen to keep you and your home safe, and we specialise in the best home security advice. If you’d like any more tips on how to stop burglars, then get in touch and have a chat. We can give you guidance and we’re happy to officer a free home security survey around our local area of Eltham, London.

Hopefully you won’t need our help, but if you do, you know where we are. Remember the sun cream, fire up the barbecue and have yourself a great summer!


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