In my last blog I told you what you can expect from a property security survey from our team here at Security Masters Ltd. In this blog I’m going to talk about the expectations that an insurance company might have, in order to cover your home.
So, let’s start with a domestic front door. It should have a dead lock kite marked to the British Standard of BS3621. Any additional locks you use although not necessarily required by insurance, will always help, such as a mortice lock.
Next, inside your home your windows must have key operated locks. Incidentally, it is very important that they are locked when the house is empty. If you don’t lock all accessible windows when you leave your home, your insurance may not be valid in the event of a break in. The back door of your home should have key operated bolts.
Apart from meeting insurance company standards, these measures will help keep your home safer. Also, if you are the victim of a break in and your security doesn’t meet the standards above, it’s up to the discretion of your insurer as to whether you can make a claim.
There are additional security measures you could consider. A home safe can be very useful to keep sentimental items such as jewellery and important documents secure. Burglar alarms can be excellent deterrents and they can also alert your neighbours that an intruder is breaking into your home. They can then contact the police if you are out or away. You could also consider a monitored alarm. These are monitored by a 24 hour control centre. When your alarm is triggered by an intruder, the control centre is notified and they can then inform the police.
Some home owners use fencing, walls or plants such as roses to make it difficult for intruders to access their properties. Flood lights may deter potential intruders, although some people argue that they can also provide additional lighting for the intruder to see more clearly how to access your property.
Other security you may wish to consider are grilles. These types of additions are up to the discretion of the individual home owner and we are always very happy to provide advice. In our opinion, that’s one of our most important roles, to advise but never enforce. An insurance company may enforce on the other hand, what is required in order to cover your home and we can help you meet these requirements.
At Security Masters, we can provide a security audit of your home for insurance broker purposes that you can consider. If you decide to go ahead with our recommendations we will be very happy to return and fit any additional security you may require. The main thing you are paying for when adding security, is peace of mind and in our opinion that is absolutely paramount.