

Expert Tips for Christmas Home Security

home security at Christmas

So far, it looks like this Christmas may be more like the kind of Christmas that we have been used to in the days before COVID-19 came into our lives (fingers crossed!) but that also means security concerns return to front of mind. Many of us have got used to being at home more and therefore security can slip down our list of priorities because there’s less risk. 

However, Christmas remains a very high-risk time for a range of different crimes and taking steps to help reduce your vulnerability is never a bad thing. To help out, here are some expert tips for Christmas home security. 

Do a quick audit before Christmas 

A lot is going on during the holidays but try to make an hour to do a security audit before the busiest days come around. This doesn’t need to be complicated and our security audit checklist will help you. But carrying this out can help you spot potential weak spots early. 

Keep gifts out of sight 

Lots of us enjoy putting the Christmas tree in front of the window and that’s still a great idea but remember that anyone looking in can see what’s around the tree as well as the tree itself. So one tip is to avoid putting out gifts until the last minute so there’s not an enticing pile of packages in front of the window. Or have them positioned near the tree but out of the line of sight of any windows. 

Make sure new bikes are stored safely 

For both kids and adults, new bikes remain a popular Christmas present and there’s nothing better than getting out there on Christmas Day afternoon for a test ride. But remember to store those bikes safely after the ride because they are one of the most vulnerable items around the home when it comes to theft. 

Have security lights in operation 

Whether you are at home or visiting friends and family, make sure you have security lights operating around your home. These are a major deterrent for casual thieves and vandals looking to cause some Christmas mayhem and can make the house seem occupied even if it isn’t. 

Talk about your plans on social media – after the event 

We all love to use social media and it can be a great place to talk about what you have planned for the holidays.  But remember, account hacking is at an all-time high. By announcing what you do before the event, you’re telling thieves when your home is most vulnerable. So resist the temptation and instead, share photos or updates once you’re safely home. 

Have a chat with the kids 

The last thing you want to do over Christmas is to scare the kids but we have all become a little casual about security during the pandemic because we have been home. So it’s a good time to have a chat with the kids about home security, what they need to do and what they should watch for. That way, they get back into good habits for the New Year. 

We’re here to offer help and advice about home and business security. Wishing you and your family a happy – and safe – holidays! 


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