So welcome back to the next instalment of Teddy’s Christmas Journey.

If you remember it all began one cold November in the North Pole at Santa’s workshop. Teddy was lovingly made with soft golden fur and beautiful brown eyes. On Christmas day, Teddy was delivered by Santa to a young 7 year old boy called David where he lived in Greenwich. 

A few days after Christmas, David’s parents had booked a week away in the Bahamas and they convinced David that Teddy would be safer at home. You can read part one of the story here.

Now, unfortunately while the family were away they had a burglary at their home. The burglars got into their back garden and the family’s shed only had a light weight latch. The burglars used the tools from their shed to break in via their back door. As a result, some very valuable items were taken such as the family’s flat screen television, DVD player and laptops. The burglars also stole some random items of no real financial value, which they’d obviously just grabbed and left with. These included some small items of jewellery, a digital camera which had some previous holiday photos on, some music CDs, some DVDs and some of David’s toys. Now are you saying to yourself ‘what if they took Teddy?’ well sadly they did. Clearly, he was just bundled up with a bunch of other items as the burglars just reached for as many things as possible, presumably items that could be sold easily to make some quick cash.

When David’s family returned from their holiday, they were absolutely devastated to return to their burgled home, but his Dad said that at least their insurance policy would mean their valuable items could be replaced. The photos on their digital camera hadn’t been downloaded, so sadly they were lost forever. David burst into tears when he ran to his room and discovered that Teddy was gone. His Mum and Dad said perhaps he’d been misplaced and they searched the house from top to bottom. Unfortunately, Teddy had gone! David was inconsolable. His Mum said ‘we’ll buy you a new Teddy’ but for David no other could replace him.

What happened to Teddy next we have had to piece together. As far as we know, he was bundled into a get away car with the family’s other stolen items. Teddy was of no real value so couldn’t be sold by the burglars. After a few weeks, he was thrown outside in the rubbish and you’ll have to come back next time to find out where Teddy ended up.

Until next time, please keep your homes and families safe!

Teddy's Christmas Journey Part 2



Author : Mark Radford – Security Masters
Added on : 2015-11-18


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