

Summer Property Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Home at its Best

summer property maintenance

Summer is well in swing, which brings with it warmth, long nights and smiling faces. You and your family are probably (finally!) revelling in the fun and frolics of summertime after the long, chilly winter we’ve all endured.

But summer also means different challenges for property maintenance. In this article, we have plenty of top tips to keep you and your property maintained throughout summer. If you want to make sure that your home stays at its best, you need to stay on top of the challenges that summer brings with it. Whether you live in London or elsewhere, home care is an essential part of owning a house.

Read on to keep your home spick and span…

  • Keep trimmed and pruned. This will of course keep your garden neat and tidy, but will also help your home, as the bugs and moisture retained in summer shrubs and bushes can damage your home over time.
  • Get up on the roof. Leaves and moss can grow quickly in the summer and can cause damage and interference to your guttering and roofing… so check these routinely and clear away any potentially-disastrous debris.
  • Now’s the time to paint! If you want to paint any external parts of your property, now’s the time to do it… because paint sticks better when surfaces aren’t wet or damp. It’ll also dry quicker in the sunshine, making it more reliable and durable.
  • Get your boiler serviced. Everyone gets their boiler serviced and fixed over the colder months. But if everyone else is doing it when you are, you’ll have to wait ages. Save yourself from having to wait by getting it done in the summer. If you get it done now, it means your boiler will be reliable when the cold comes again… which is when you need it most!
  • Bleed your radiators. Because you won’t be using them much in the summer months, it’s a good idea to bleed and clean your radiators to keep the water flowing… and to ensure that they’ll be properly working when you need them come the autumn.

These are the main things to look out for and to keep and top of, but the best way to ensure a well-maintained hope is with the help of experts. For London property maintenance, we know everything there is. So whether you need expertise or a helping hand to get your jobs done, get in touch! We’re not just a locksmith, we also keep London’s homes on top of their game. Give us a ring.


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