

The Household Items Most Likely to be Stolen in a Burglary

The Household Items Most Likely to be Stolen in a Burglary

Did you know there’s a burglary in the UK every 40 seconds? And in London, it’s even more often?

It might sound like common sense but hiding the items that burglars are most likely to steal can prevent your home from becoming a target.

The average burglary takes less than ten minutes, so burglars typically only break in if they know they’re going to get their hands on exactly what they want.

But what are burglars most likely to steal?

  • Because they’re often kept in the garden, shed or garage, your bikes are accessible. They’re also high-value and highly-desirable items – no wonder they top the list of things most often stolen from private residences.
  • Mobile phones, laptops, tablets, cameras, and audio equipment. Technology is expensive, desirable, and portable, making it a key target for burglars. If you leave any of these gadgets on display, you are more likely to become a victim of a break-in. For similar reasons, you should also try to divert attention away from your TV. TV thefts make up a large number of burglaries.
  • Power tools. Another pricey item that can be stolen from outside your home, power tools are typically stored in garages and sheds. They’re also very portable and burglars love them because they can be used to break into other homes. Gardening tools are also often vulnerable to theft and can be used to break into properties.
  • Golfing equipment is another big target – golf clubs can be extremely expensive and are often stored in outbuildings.
  • Completely untraceable, ridiculously portable and inherently valuable. Burglars love cash.
  • As well as being high-cost, jewellery often has sentimental value that can’t be replaced. Hide your jewellery to avoid the heartache of losing it.
  • Spare keys! Keep them locked away and out of sight so burglars can’t plan a return visit.
  • Your identity. If a burglar can get their hands on your letters, passport, and driving license, they can steal something much more valuable and dangerous than a mere item.

Burglars know not only where to find these things, but also how to gain access to your home. You may think your home is safe, but professional thieves know tips, tricks, and hacks that you don’t.

To keep your home, valuables, and family safe, enlist the help of a company that knows how burglars are most likely to access property. That’s us! We offer CCTV, security lighting, access control, and more.

Our most popular service is our free security audit, which we offer to every homeowner in London. We’ll explore your property, scope out any vulnerabilities, and work closely with you to consider how we can fix them according to your budget. I

If you want to stay safe, our expertise is the only way to do it. Get in touch.


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