

7 Benefits of Access Control Systems

access control system eltham

Access control systems are becoming increasingly popular with block managers and provide a solution to many large-scale tenancy issues. They are incredibly versatile and can be tailored to meet individual needs thereby reducing common risks and deterring crime.

Here are 7 of the top benefits of installing access control systems:

1. Deactivation

A common problem arising from the use of traditional keys is that tenants can take the keys with them and maintain access to the building and apartment after their tenancy has ended. Access control key cards can be permanently deactivated as required, ensuring access is retained by current tenants only.

2. Limited Access

Entry can be restricted to staff and residents who require access. This results in secure buildings and enhanced levels of safety for tenants.

3. Monitoring

Access control systems can incorporate a range of security features including alarms, entry systems, CCTV and remote monitoring. This means that all access is under surveillance and can be centrally controlled and monitored.

4. Lost Keys

Losing keys is a common problem and can be an issue with traditional keys. Access control system key cards can be quickly and easily deactivated and re-issued, reducing both the likelihood of break-ins and the costs associated with providing replacement keys.

5. Key Cutting

Traditional keys can be easily cut to produce duplicates. This means anyone who has had access to the key can get their own cut and gain entry as they please. Access control key cards cannot be duplicated which reduces the likelihood of future unauthorised entry.

6. Restricted Access

Access control systems allow for restricted access enabling those who require entry to certain rooms and facilities to do so without disturbing others. For example, IT staff may have access to the server rooms but not tenant areas.

7. Protocols

Protocols can be set to allow access to certain key cards at specific times on specific days. For example, the system can be set to allow resident-only access on weekends.

There are a wide range of access control systems available for resident blocks. These can be adjusted to suit precise requirements which can be changed at any time. This provides enhanced levels of control and monitoring for block managers, enabling them to keep buildings, residents and workers safer than ever.


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